onsdag 11 april 2018


Q U E S T I O N S 

1. How do you find out about new books to read? 

Youtube, Goodreads, friends & boook groups that I am active in on Facebook. 

2. How did you get into reading? 

Everything started in 2014 really, one night I couldn't sleep so I stayed up & watched some videos on booktube. It really started everything & I wanted to have my own channel. I'm happy that it happened because I've found so many new friends & I've collaborated with some wonderful authors & booktubers. I love being a part of this community.

 3. How has your taste in books changed as you've gotten older?

I didn't really know anything about different genres when I started out, so I read the series that everyone else had read already, LOTR, HP, Twilight, The Hunger Games ect. As the years have gone on, I've been picking up books that were completely new to me & that has made my taste become broader.  I'm still in the process of finding out what I like & don't like, which is wonderful. I read anything that sounds interesting to me.

 4. How often do you buy books? 

Usually I buy books once a month online. Sometimes I pick up something more from the 2nd hand shop.

5. How did you get into Booktubing?

Through booktube, actually. Perhaps it was an accident that I found Booktube that night, perhaps it was meant to be.

 6. How do you react when you don't like the end of a book? 

I hyperventilate & scream NO.

7. How often do you take a "sneak peak" at the end of a book to see if there is a happy ending? 

I've never done that.  I can't believe that people do that either.

8. Who are you going to tag? 

I TAG YOU! ( too lazy to tag specific people )

Until next time, happy reading!

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