lördag 31 mars 2018

BookBuddyAthon 2018

 BookBuddyAthon is back! 

It is between 9-15 of April.


 1) Buddyread
2) A book with friendship
 3) A book with an adventure
4) A fun  book
5) A new book


Let me know if you are participating! What will you be reading?

Until next time, happy reading.

onsdag 14 mars 2018

BOOKHAUL & Curretly reading march 2018

Blog: http://b00kaholic12.blogspot.se/
Goodreads: B00kaholic12
Instagram: mouiiyo
Twitter: marwez3

Let's chat down below! Happy reading! 

onsdag 7 mars 2018

Bookclub Readalong - Murder on the Orient express

hThis month we will be reading Murder on the Orient express by - Agatha Christie

What more can a mystery addict desire than a much-loathed murder victim found aboard the luxurious Orient Express with multiple stab wounds, thirteen likely suspects, an incomparably brilliant detective in Hercule Poirot, and the most ingenious crime ever conceived?