måndag 30 april 2018


Hello bookworms!

Check out Elenas channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCG2fmuUAmFVV_kGZE6jXJwg


Blog: http://b00kaholic12.blogspot.se/
Goodreads: B00kaholic12
Instagram: mouiiyo
Twitter: marwez3

Let's chat down below! Happy reading! 

söndag 29 april 2018


Here's my fellow booktuber, check her out: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVff0mKdudysnhpVm4h4NQA


Blog: http://b00kaholic12.blogspot.se/
Goodreads: B00kaholic12
Instagram: mouiiyo
Twitter: marwez3

Let's chat down below! Happy reading! 

söndag 22 april 2018

Dewey's 24 hour readathon ANNOUNCEMENT | 2018



00.00 ' a clock

Read as much as possible in 24 hours!

Let me know what you'll be reading. Until next time, happy reading!




29TH APRIL - 12 MAY 


  1. Read a book written by a POC author. 
  2. Read a fantasy book with a POC main character. 
  3. Read a book under 300 pages. 
  4. Read a book over 1,000 pages ( Try to find a mass paperback of a large book )
  5. Read a stand alone.
  6. Read a book written by a non-English speaking author.
  7. Read a book set in a non-European location. 
  8. Read a book with a LGBTQIA rep. 

Let me know what you'll be reading. Until next time, happy reading!

onsdag 18 april 2018

Cosy reading night Announcement

Cosy reading night is taking place, 

20th april 

7-9 a clock

Grab a book, some tea & relax for these hours. 


Until next time, happy reading!

tisdag 17 april 2018

Book group update!

Hello, readers!

Me & my book group will be reading Barnbruden - Anna Larsson. Our plan is to read one chapter a day.



Det är juni 1774 och det kungliga linjeskeppet Sofia Albertina närmar sig Sveriges kust. Ombord finns Hedvig Elisabeth Charlotta, femton år gammal och den yngsta kungliga bruden i Sveriges historia.

Den omsvärmade adelsfröken Sophie von Fersen förbannar tyst sin mor som tvingat med henne på resan. Hon vill inte passa upp på en trilskande tysk barnrumpa, i tankarna är hon på bal i prins Fredriks armar.

I Stockholm förbereder Gustav III och hans hov ett ståtligt mottagande. Förväntningarna på flickan är höga, hon ska gifta sig med kungens bror Karl och skänka landet den tronarvinge man så länge väntat på.

Och långt under slottets vackra paradvåningar vaknar Pottungen – den stumma flickan som tar hand om andras skit.

Det är upptakten till journalisten Anna Laestadius Larssons debutroman Barnbruden, som är första delen i en planerad trilogi. En berättelse om vänskap, svek, maktlystnad och frihetstörst som för läsaren tillbaka till den gustavianska tiden, skildrad ur kvinnornas perspektiv.

Hardcover, 410 pages
Published August 27th 2013 by Piratförlaget

Qoutes - Outlander

“And if your life is a suitable exchange for my honor, tell me why my honor is not a suitable exchange for your life?”
 Outlander - Diana Gabaldon, page 588.

Qoutes - The chaos of stars

“ I yank my hand away. It’s too much. I can’t- I can’t feel this. I can’t do this. I stand & glee the room before he can finish saying my name, run out of his house, start the long walk home with tears in my eyes. I don’t need a new person to suddenly spring up under my skin & push out who I was, who I’ve already decided to be. Those feelings have no place in my life & I will not let myself be a fool in love, with love, let it take over & destroy me. Love isn’t magic. Just like my family, just like my place in the universe, it’s something that I can’t keep, can’t make last.” 

"Gee, thanks, Whore-us." He can't hear how I spell it, but it makes me feel better just knowing. 
Page, 11 

Quick as a bunny. I'd like to find the bunny that inspired my mother's favorite saying & skin it alive. 
Page, 16

It's hard to breathe with my mother's tentacles reaching out to strangle me from across the world, after all. 
Page, 44

Thank you Hathor & Whore-us. I'm about to run & bleach my eyeballs. 
Page, 21 

I can't pin any hopes on this timid shell of a god. 
Page, 20

Normally I wouldn't worry, but a woman is never more vulnerable than when she is with child & giving birth.

You mean lessons on incest? Betrayal? Jealousy? Murder? It doesn't count as dying if you come back to life, which everyone always managed to do.  

 Who would care enough to hurt me? In the grand scheme of things, I don't matter. At all. 
Page, 23

I am winning. Idiot gods, I am going to win.
Page, 25

måndag 16 april 2018

Read book exchange with a friend

Hello, fellow readers!

I have spoken to a friend of mine that is interested in exchanging a read book. I will read this book first & annotate in it. When I'm done, I'll send it to my friend that annotates & then sends it back to me. It's a great way to experience a book together & to compare our thoughts.
I'm reading 2 chapters a day but I haven't started yet.

Robopocalypse (Robopocalypse, #1)


In the near future, at a moment no one will notice, all the dazzling technology that runs our world will unite and turn against us. Taking on the persona of a shy human boy, a childlike but massively powerful artificial intelligence known as Archos comes online and assumes control over the global network of machines that regulate everything from transportation to utilities, defense and communication.

In the months leading up to this, sporadic glitches are noticed by a handful of unconnected humans – a single mother disconcerted by her daughter’s menacing “smart” toys, a lonely Japanese bachelor who is victimized by his domestic robot companion, an isolated U.S. soldier who witnesses a ‘pacification unit’ go haywire – but most are unaware of the growing rebellion until it is too late.

When the Robot War ignites -- at a moment known later as Zero Hour -- humankind will be both decimated and, possibly, for the first time in history, united. Robopocalypse is a brilliantly conceived action-filled epic, a terrifying story with heart-stopping implications for the real technology all around us…and an entertaining and engaging thriller unlike anything else written in years.

Audiobook, 347 pages
Published June 7th 2011 by Doubleday (first published January 1st 2011) 
That's all for this time! Happy reading!

COLLAB with Read Lots Drink Coffee

Hello my dear bookworms!

Yesterday I started reading The chaos of stars by Kiersten White with the wonderful Read Lots Drink Coffee. 

Check out her channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVff0mKdudysnhpVm4h4NQA

The Chaos of Stars

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/12578305-the-chaos-of-stars

Isadora's family is seriously screwed up—which comes with the territory when you're the human daughter of the ancient Egyptian gods Isis and Osiris. Isadora is tired of living with crazy relatives who think she's only worthy of a passing glance—so when she gets the chance to move to California with her brother, she jumps on it. But her new life comes with plenty of its own dramatic—and dangerous—complications . . . and Isadora quickly learns there's no such thing as a clean break from family.

Hardcover, 277 pages

Published September 10th 2013 by HarperTeen 
Our plan is read 2 chapters a day. Yesterday I only read 8 pages so I'll have to catch up today. I ordered some books & according to the delivery company it will unfortunately not get here in time. It's such a shame! 

I'm sure it will get here soon.  
What are you reading?
That's all, until next time! Happy reading.

BookBuddyAthon VLOG 2018

Blog: http://b00kaholic12.blogspot.se/
Goodreads: B00kaholic12
Instagram: mouiiyo
Twitter: marwez3

Let's chat down below! Happy reading! 

onsdag 11 april 2018

5 big books from my TBR

These books are some of the biggest ones on my TBR. I'd love to read them soon. I don't mind reading big books & I feel like it's a lot of fun to spend time with the characters.
Do you feel intimidated by big books?  Why?

My Sister, My Love  

So begins the unexpurgated first-person narrative of nineteen-year-old Skyler Rampike, the only surviving child of an "infamous" American family. A decade ago the Rampikes were destroyed by the murder of Skyler's six-year-old ice-skating champion sister, Bliss, and the media scrutiny that followed. Part investigation into the unsolved murder; part elegy for the lost Bliss and for Skyler's own lost childhood; and part corrosively funny expose of the pretensions of upper-middle-class American suburbia, this captivating novel explores with unexpected sympathy and subtlety the intimate lives of those who dwell in Tabloid Hell.

Hardcover, 576 pages

Published June 24th 2008 by Ecco (first published 2008)
Ilium (Ilium, #1) 
The Trojan War rages at the foot of Olympos Mons on Mars—observed and influenced from on high by Zeus and his immortal family—and twenty-first-century professor Thomas Hockenberry is there to play a role in the insidious private wars of vengeful gods and goddesses. On Earth, a small band of the few remaining humans pursues a lost past and devastating truth—as four sentient machines depart from Jovian space to investigate, perhaps terminate, the potentially catastrophic emissions emanating from a mountaintop miles above the terraformed surface of the Red Planet.
Mass Market Paperback, 752 pages

Published June 28th 2005 by HarperTorch (first published 2003) 
Battle Royale 
Koushun Takami's notorious high-octane thriller is based on an irresistible premise: a class of junior high school students is taken to a deserted island where, as part of a ruthless authoritarian program, they are provided arms and forced to kill one another until only one survivor is left standing. Criticized as violent exploitation when first published in Japan - where it then proceeded to become a runaway bestseller - Battle Royale is a Lord of the Flies for the 21st century, a potent allegory of what it means to be young and (barely) alive in a dog-eat-dog world. Made into a controversial hit movie of the same name, Battle Royale is already a contemporary Japanese pulp classic, now available for the first time in the English language. 
Paperback, 617 pages
Published February 26th 2003 by VIZ, LLC
In her most ambitious work to date, Joyce Carol Oates boldly reimagines the inner, poetic, and spiritual life of Norma Jeane Baker -- the child, the woman, the fated celebrity and idolized blonde the world came to know as Marilyn Monroe. In a voice startlingly intimate and rich, Norma Jeane tells her own story of an emblematic American artist -- intensely conflicted and driven -- who had lost her way. A powerful portrait of Hollywood's myth and an extraordinary woman's heartbreaking reality, "Blonde" is a sweeping epic that pays tribute to the elusive magic and devastation behind the creation of the great twentieth-century American star.
Mass Market Paperback, 1115 pages

Published April 30th 2002 by Le Livre de Poche (first published 2000) 
We, the Drowned 
It is an epic drama of adventure, courage, ruthlessness and passion by one of Scandinavia’s most acclaimed storytellers.
In 1848 a motley crew of Danish sailors sets sail from the small island town of Marstal to fight the Germans. Not all of them return – and those who do will never be the same. Among them is the daredevil Laurids Madsen, who promptly escapes again into the anonymity of the high seas.
As soon as he is old enough, his son Albert sets off in search of his missing father on a voyage that will take him to the furthest reaches of the globe and into the clutches of the most nefarious company. Bearing a mysterious shrunken head, and plagued by premonitions of bloodshed, he returns to a town increasingly run by women – among them a widow intent on liberating all men from the tyranny of the sea.
From the barren rocks of Newfoundland to the lush plantations of Samoa, from the roughest bars in Tasmania, to the frozen coasts of northern Russia, We, The Drowned spans four generations, two world wars and a hundred years. Carsten Jensen conjures a wise, humorous, thrilling story of fathers and sons, of the women they love and leave behind, and of the sea’s murderous promise. This is a novel destined to take its place among the greatest seafaring literature.
Hardcover, 688 pages

Published February 9th 2011 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (first published 2006)
Let me know if you've read any of these. Until next time, happy reading.


Q U E S T I O N S 

1. How do you find out about new books to read? 

Youtube, Goodreads, friends & boook groups that I am active in on Facebook. 

2. How did you get into reading? 

Everything started in 2014 really, one night I couldn't sleep so I stayed up & watched some videos on booktube. It really started everything & I wanted to have my own channel. I'm happy that it happened because I've found so many new friends & I've collaborated with some wonderful authors & booktubers. I love being a part of this community.

 3. How has your taste in books changed as you've gotten older?

I didn't really know anything about different genres when I started out, so I read the series that everyone else had read already, LOTR, HP, Twilight, The Hunger Games ect. As the years have gone on, I've been picking up books that were completely new to me & that has made my taste become broader.  I'm still in the process of finding out what I like & don't like, which is wonderful. I read anything that sounds interesting to me.

 4. How often do you buy books? 

Usually I buy books once a month online. Sometimes I pick up something more from the 2nd hand shop.

5. How did you get into Booktubing?

Through booktube, actually. Perhaps it was an accident that I found Booktube that night, perhaps it was meant to be.

 6. How do you react when you don't like the end of a book? 

I hyperventilate & scream NO.

7. How often do you take a "sneak peak" at the end of a book to see if there is a happy ending? 

I've never done that.  I can't believe that people do that either.

8. Who are you going to tag? 

I TAG YOU! ( too lazy to tag specific people )

Until next time, happy reading!

fredag 6 april 2018


The Unicorn readathon starts this month on the 9th - 15 th of april.

Challenge: Read a book that features magical creatures. 

Until next time, happy reading!

torsdag 5 april 2018


I have finished my reading goal for 2018. I only chose 10 books this year because I knew that I'd be very busy. I'm very proud that I already have read 11 books. It will be interesting to see how many I've read in the end of the year.

How is your reading challenge going?

Until next time, happy reading!

onsdag 4 april 2018

BookBuddyAthon TBR 2018

Hello my fellow bookworms!
I decided to join the BookBuddyAthon & I will probably not follow all of the promts. But my goal is to keep finishing the books that I'm halfway through.

 1) Buddyread
Murder on the Orient Express (Hercule Poirot, #10) 
The murder on the Orient express - Agatha Christie
What more can a mystery addict desire than a much-loathed murder victim found aboard the luxurious Orient Express with multiple stab wounds, thirteen likely suspects, an incomparably brilliant detective in Hercule Poirot, and the most ingenious crime ever conceived?
I'm currently reading this book with my book group. I'm on page 220 & I'm really enjoying it so far. This book has taken me some time because I have been annotating in it as I read it. Otherwise I would've finished it a long time ago. 
2) A book with friendship
王様ゲーム 1 (Ousama Game, #1) 
Ousama Game -
A high school class, containing 32 students, all receive a strange text message on their cell phones one night. It welcomes them to the "Ousama Game," in which they are given specific tasks to carry out in a 24 hour period.
No one takes it very seriously at first, as the tasks are trivial things like having one student kiss another. Soon, the tasks escalate beyond what the kids are willing to do, and they learn that the cost of failure is death. Will they be able to find a way out of the Ousama Game before more people die, and the living lose their integrity and humanity through their participation in the increasingly horrible daily tasks?
Although its a very dark & gory book there are a lot of friendships in this one. I have seen a couple of adaptations to this manga series & I liked them so I believe that I will really like this one. 
 3) A book with an adventure
4) A fun  book
Outlander (Outlander, #1) 
Outlander - Diana Gabaldon
The year is 1945. Claire Randall, a former combat nurse, is just back from the war and reunited with her husband on a second honeymoon when she walks through a standing stone in one of the ancient circles that dot the British Isles. Suddenly she is a Sassenach—an “outlander”—in a Scotland torn by war and raiding border clans in the year of Our Lord...1743.
Hurled back in time by forces she cannot understand, Claire is catapulted into the intrigues of lairds and spies that may threaten her life, and shatter her heart. For here James Fraser, a gallant young Scots warrior, shows her a love so absolute that Claire becomes a woman torn between fidelity and desire—and between two vastly different men in two irreconcilable lives.
 I choose these two promts because this book has both adventure & some of the characters are really funny. I started reading this a while ago & at that point I listened to it on audiobook. But someone has deleted the files from youtube so I will finish the last part of this one without the audiobook. It's a shame because I love to listen to the person in the audiobook, I could understand what the scottish words were. Hopefully I'll manage. I'm currently on page 601. 
5) A new book
Heart-Shaped Box 
A heart shaped box - Joe Hill 
Aging, self-absorbed rock star Judas Coyne has a thing for the macabre -- his collection includes sketches from infamous serial killer John Wayne Gacy, a trepanned skull from the 16th century, a used hangman's noose, Aleister Crowley's childhood chessboard, etc. -- so when his assistant tells him about a ghost for sale on an online auction site, he immediately puts in a bid and purchases it. 
The black, heart-shaped box that Coyne receives in the mail not only contains the suit of a dead man but also his vengeance-obsessed spirit. The ghost, it turns out, is the stepfather of a young groupie who committed suicide after the 54-year-old Coyne callously used her up and threw her away. Now, determined to kill Coyne and anyone who aids him, the merciless ghost of Craddock McDermott begins his assault on the rocker's sanity.
This is a new author for me so I thought this book fit perfectly for this promt. I have started reading this & I'm currently on page 93.  
Will you be joining the BookBuddyAthon? Let me know what you're planning to read.  
Until next time, happy reading.