Rating: 5/5 stars on goodreads.
Here's my goodreads review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/2178084309
If you haven't read it, read it now.
Firstly I want to
thank the wonderful & kind Michael for giving me this opportunity to
read & review his wonderful piece of art. Yes, for me it was a
masterpiece & I've never read anything like it before. I really
enjoyed the setting of the story & that the author threw me in an
action sequence right away. It made me want to see more of what was
going on & who was fighting for what. I felt as if I was there, that
I knew martial arts - which I have no experience with. The action
scenes were all planned very carefully & I could see a picture in my
head of what was going on.
The sisterhood is a wonderful place
& I'd love to be part of them. They love each other, they fight for
what's right. In this corrupt world, they are the hope & prayers of
the people. They sacrifice everything for others, unafraid & strong.
My favorite is Mahira, without a doubt. All the characters where easy
for me to bond with & it felt like all of them had a piece in common
with me. The women of the sisterhood are treated with respect &
they're very independent. They work so hard to be where they are so all
creds to them, they've deserved to be the best!
I liked the villains
a lot & they where all very believable characters, which says a lot
of my experience. One of these bad guys actually made me feel sorry for
the character. I could feel the loneliness inside, almost as if this
character was trapped in some way. There wasn't a single thought in my
mind that these people weren't real. They are real to me.
This book
is a real page turner! Sometimes I thought everything was nice &
calm, then came a big BANG & something new came that turned
everything. I always had the feeling that none of the characters were
ever safe, they had very high stakes but even if it was the case, they
where human. They love others & they have all the biological needs.
loved to see what the future might be like, it actually made me think a
lot about the future. Michael leaves no questions unanswered in the
story. I got all my questions answered which is something that I like in
a book. Everything was explained in detail.
The robots, oh the
robots. As soon as they started being in the story I was caught in this
Terminator state of mind. I LOVE TERMINATOR!! Red glowing eyes!
loved that there was a lot of diversity in this book & that the
author discusses sexuality & the thought of, What if there are no
labels? What if we could just love & nothing else mattered.
This was an emotional roller coaster, I laughed, I cried, I was angry. I have to read the next one for sure!
Here's my favorite quote: "All of them played together to the beat of freedom."